Linton Parish Council Meeting - Monday 13th January 2025 at 7.30pm
Linton Parish Council
The next meeting of Linton Parish Council will be held on Monday 13th January 2025 in Linton Village Hall at 7.30pm.
Members of the public are welcome to attend.
1. Apologies.
2. Declaration of Interests.
3. Minutes of the previous meeting.
4. Matters arising from the minutes.
5. Clerks Report & Correspondence.
6. Public comments and observations.
7. KCC & MBC Ward Councillor Reports.
8. Financial Matters:
9. Highways Matters.
10.Planning Matters.
a. Planning Applications.
b. Other Planning Matters.
11. Other Reports.
a. Allotments.
b. KALC.
c. Playground.
d. Website.
e. Speed Watch
f. Neighbourhood Watch Report.
g. Linton Village Hall.
h. Parish Litter pick.
12. Other Matters and Items for the next Agenda.
13. Date of next Meeting – January 2025
Mrs Sherrie Babington
Clerk to the Parish Council
Contact Information
Sherrie Babington - Parish Clerk
- 01634 867173
Find Linton Parish Council
4 Birkhall Close, Linton, Maidstone, Kent, Me57qd